Article By: Andrew B. Davidson - andrewdavidson/at\andrewdavidson/dot\com
Copyright © 2006 Andrew B. Davidson. All Rights Reserved.
Article Written: November 2006
How Big Is a Standard CD Jewel Case Tray Card / Inlay Card?
The CD Tray Card / Inlay Card is the card that fits in the back of a standard CD jewel case.
The edges fold up to form the spine.
The part of the inlay card that is on the back of the CD is 5.375" Wide and 4.563" high, plus two spines.
Each spine that folds up is 0.25" wide.
So, since there are two spines, the total width of the tray card is 5.875" and the total height
is 4.563".
Generally, the text on each spine is printed with the top of the text toward the outside of the card.
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