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Facial Research, Average Face Links, and Attractive Face Resources

This is a list of links I have found related to computer-generated average faces, as well as facial research and attractive face research.
10 links in this category
 Average Hot or Not Faces By Rating — A photographic composition of the average of many faces on the Hot or Not web site, grouped by rating.
 BeautyCheck — Research into why some faces are more beautiful than others.
 CAL/PAL FacesDB — A large database of face photos, taken in a variety of expressions.
 Face Beautification — Research into making faces more beautiful. Given an image, their technique will make subtle modifications that supposedly make the face more beautiful. Unfortunately you cannot upload your own faces. — A study of the so-called "face of tomorrow", a face formed by averaging characteristics of many different races. — Several different face-transforming tools and face attractiveness surveys. Register for free to upload your own photos and average them or transform them. Create an old version of yourself.
 FlashFace — Not really facial research per se, but a Flash-based tool to create mugshot sketches.
 MyHeritage Face Recognition — Upload a photo and it will find celebrities that look like you.
 ThatsMyFace — Upload a front and profile view of yourself to get lots of statistics about your face, and also to order products such as your face 3-D model on a t-shirt or inside little crystals.

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