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Sirius Satellite Radio

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12 links in this category
 BBC Radio 1 Today's Schedule — Today's schedule for BBC Radio 1, Sirius channel 11. Remember that Sirius time-shifts the feed so that the London times you see in their online schedules become USA Eastern time.
 BBC Radio 1 Weekly Lineup — The weekly lineup for BBC Radio 1, available on Sirius channel 11.
 DogStarRadio — Site with current Sirius programming schedules for all channels. Extremely useful guide!
 Drew's Sirius Channel Guide — A simple, one-page, text-only Sirius Channel Guide designed to fit on one side of a single letter-sized page.
 NPR Now 134 Schedule — The schedule for NPR Now, available on Sirius channel 134.
 NPR Talk 135 Schedule — The schedule for NPR Talk, Sirius channel 135. This channel features local and national call-in shows.
 Official Sirius Channel Guide PDF — A direct link to the official Sirius channel guide in Adobe Reader (PDF) format.
 OrbitCast — A blog about both XM and Sirius satellite radio.
 Sirius Backstage — Great Sirius news and active Sirius forum.
 Sirius News/Talk Programming Guide — A PDF that lists the daily schedule of all Sirius news/talk channels. Very handy!
 Sirius Satellite Radio — The official site for Sirius Satellite Radio. Shop for radios or subscribe here, or access your account if you are already a subscriber. Now offers streaming over the web for $12.95 per month, without a radio.
 TimeTrax — This interesting device lets you use your Sirius radio like a Tivo, on your computer. It is very useful for time-shifting your favorite programs, and can be used to record from several different channels on a schedule.

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